
Spirituális hírek, fordítások

Hold the Light II

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Much is happening behind the scenes but not much can be said for security reasons, yet I will reveal as much as I can.

September was a very intense month. The Light forces have successfully averted three different dangerous planetary situations that could have quite serious consequences. One hint:

Inflection point on September 18th went better than expected and clearing of physical subquantum anomaly has started. Since September 18th, the dark forces are beginning to lose the grip on the physical plane and every negative scenario they trigger, it usually backfires with more and more people awakening, leading to dark forces losing even more power:

Inflection point

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Reptilian Reconnaissance Summary – The Moon, Mars, and Antarctica

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Corey 1

When I was being taken around the Sol System by the Mayans and Anshar we visited The Moon, Ceres, Mars, Super Federation Bases around Jupiter and Mars and finished with Antarctica. For the purposes of this summary, I am going to share what was gleaned about the Reptilians and slightly condense the information we observed from their bases/cities on the Moon, Mars, and the Antarctic. The activities at all 3 Reptilian locations were very similar. On this particular mission, we had one of our ‘cosmic cousins’ attend. Micca from the closest inhabited star system in our local stellar neighborhood was there to witness the mission and share his people's struggle to liberate their solar system. I will not touch on that in this report but will cover what we learned of the plight of Micca’s people. Micca was very emotional when observing this mission as it has not been that long since his people were in a similar position.

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The Galactic Tribunal grills Bill Gates

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Galactic Tribunal grills Bill Gates

We don’t know how Bill Gates was transported to a Galactic proceeding, and we only have fragments of the interrogation. But because no court on Earth would deliver justice, those distant powers intervened.

A judge read an unusual opening statement, which apparently is presented before every trial:

“In our high civilization, we’ve fulfilled the ancient prophecy, THE LOST SHALL BE FOUND. There is no barrier between those of us who live here in the flesh and those most close to us who’ve departed this life. We experience joy with them in dimensions far greater than this. Why then do we bother to conduct these trials? Because we also fight for justice. We will not turn our backs on that ideal.”

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Situation Update (29.08.2021)

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Situation Update (29.08.2021)

Ying-Yang New Earth

At the beginning of this entry, I would like to briefly address the chaotic weather situation over the past two months, especially the floods. This has 3 reasons: First, it has to do with the transformation process of the planet, then of course with physical geoengineering, but the main reason lies in the past, and by that I mean Atlantis.

The Dark Ones have created an energetic feedback loop with the ancient Atlantis doomsday timeline to manifest the flood disasters of that time into the present.

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Hold the Light

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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Hold the Light

Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix with still tens of billions of Reptilian entities present. This practically means that the battle for the planetary surface on the non-physical planes is now reaching its peak. Dark attacks in the last few weeks have collapsed about 40 percent of the Light grid on the surface of the planet, and thankfully the grid is slowly recovering in the last few days.

Non-physical dark forces are using their scalar technologies and entity possession to keep the surface population in a state of fear and induced mass psychosis:

This fear is like a cloud around the planetary surface and even most of the Lightworkers have succumbed to it.

Light Forces have communicated that it is of the utmost importance to go within, connect with the Light and hold the Light no matter what happens in the outside world in the next few weeks and months. If enough people hold the Light, this will ensure the most positive possible outcome in the current challenging situation.


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David and Goliath

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

David and Goliath

We are now entering the crucial part of the year. Between August 15th and October 18th, Eris and Pluto will be in an almost exact square. This is the most powerful astrological aspect of the year and it signifies a battle between two timelines, the positive Ascension timeline and the negative Coronavirus reset timeline: |


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Short status update #2, July 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Short status update #2, July 2021

Some of the top cabal from the layer right below the chimera tried to negotiate with the Lightforces again in the last few days. Basically what some of those parasitic alien species including the chimera do is they create unsolvable problems in systems they invade. They therefore force the good species to the befallen systems sooner or later. Then those parasitic species want to press as much energy from the good species as possible. This was going on for millions of years on Earth. Now they press for even more energy for letting go of sacrificing the befallen system. That was pretty much the foundation for their coerced negotiation, what the cabal presented as their means of pressure is the number of souls they will sacrifice if they do not get what they want from the Lightforces.

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Planetary Situation Update

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.

Most hostages who were captured there have been liberated, although some of them are still captured on the etheric and astral planes.


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