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Short Situation Update

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Thursday, March 21, 2024

African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.

Some of the battles before the final removal have spilled to the surface:

Because now most of the dark presence from the Solar system is gone, the Space Force is freaking out:

What is remaining now to be cleared beyond the surface Illuminati is an ancient Atlantean dark network that was partially established on this planet with the arrival of the dark Lords of Orion around 900,000 years ago and was completed 26,000 years ago when planet Earth became a quarantine.

This network was fully operational until the fall of Atlantis and then it became hidden, only occasionally manipulating the events on the surface. Now, with all other dark networks beyond the surface Illuminati removed, it became active again.

Most of intel about this network needs to remain classified for now, except for the fact that it has bases across the Solar system and also below the surface of this planet similarly to the previous networks just cleared.

We have now entered a very sensitive period and all intel about clearing of this network needs to remain classified for now and a period of radio silence must begin.

This network is now executing brutal attacks on the Lightworkers on the non physical planes and the Light forces are doing whatever possible to minimize the impact of those attacks.

In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity.


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Short Situation Update

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is almost complete, and clearing of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. More intel will probably be released in a few weeks.

Jacob Rothschild was captured by the Light Forces on the etheric plane after his death, processed at Ganymede sorting facility and disintegrated in the Galactic Central Sun:

The energy is slowly building for the total Solar eclipse on April 8th, which will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius.


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Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report

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Sunday, February 18, 2024

About 15 minutes before Pluto entered Aquarius, the following small asteroid impacted the planetary surface near Berlin:

With Pluto in Aquarius, existence of underground tunnel networks is going mainstream:

As Pluto progresses though Aquarius, the dark forces on the surface are deeper and deeper into fear:

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Situation Update

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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Now it is time to release more intel about current developments behind the scenes.

After the Source began to clear the subquantum anomaly directly in early December, the Dark forces totally freaked out because they felt cornered and trapped.

Some members of the Indian Illuminati network have activated ancient jumprooms that were located in underground tunnels beneath some Hindu temples in India. Some of those jumprooms were inactive for centuries, sometimes even millennia. Through those jumprooms, they have teleported about 300 million reptilian beings from the etheric plane into humanoid physical bodies and tried to recapture the Solar system by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.

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Short Situation Update and Ascension Conference in Phoenix

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Friday, December 29, 2023

The Light Forces and the Source are clearing the primary anomaly and the primary Lurker with full speed.

In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala:

The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated.

All this will be happening behind the scenes and there will be no apparent progress until Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st. After that, things will become more interesting again.

There are signs that the financial system is coming closer and closer to its collapse:

And the Cabal is preparing their places to hide:

They are still trying to reinforce the quarantine:

But at the same time, networks of tunnel systems worldwide are becoming mainstream knowledge:

We had a short workshop in Delhi, India on December 20th. You can read the workshop notes here:


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Situation Update (20.12.2023)

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


The last few months have been marked by heavy scalar attacks by the Dark Ones against Surface Lightworkers.

The Light Forces have been busy fending off the new pandemic timeline, which has worked well so far. The Cabal is trying to bring up the topic again here and there, but so far unsuccessfully.

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About Soul families and minds

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Starseeds are already uniting with their Soul-family on the mental plane, it is a topic that is getting more relevant to the ascendants right now as well as the Goddess herself wants to shine Light on the topic.

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