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Disclosure starting in mainstream media: Viking robots found life on Mars, scientists say

Friday, April 13, 2012
Disclosure starting in mainstream media: Viking robots found life on Mars, scientists say
Viking robots found life on Mars in 1976, scientists say
Researchers put data into sets of numbers, then analyzed the results for complexity New analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows that NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week.
Further, NASA doesn't need a human expedition to Mars to nail down the claim, neuropharmacologist and biologist Joseph Miller, with the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, told Discovery News.
"The ultimate proof is to take a video of a Martian bacteria. They should send a microscope — watch the bacteria move," Miller said.
"On the basis of what we've done so far, I'd say I'm 99 percent sure there's life there," he added.
Miller's confidence stems in part from a new study that reanalyzed results from a life-detection experiment conducted by NASA's Viking Mars robots in 1976.
Researchers crunched raw data collected during runs of the Labeled Release experiment, which looked for signs of microbial metabolism in soil samples scooped up and processed by the two Viking landers. General consensus of scientists has been that the experiment found geological, not biological, activity.

The new study took a different approach. Researchers distilled the Viking Labeled Release data, provided as hard copies by the original researchers, into sets of numbers and analyzed the results for complexity. Since living systems are more complicated than non-biological processes, the idea was to look at the experiment results from a purely numerical perspective.
NEWS: Viking Found Organics on Mars, Experiment Confirms
They found close correlations between the Viking experiment results' complexity and those of terrestrial biological data sets. They say the high degree of order is more characteristic of biological, rather than purely physical, processes.
Critics counter that the method has not yet been proven effective for differentiating between biological and non-biological processes on Earth, so it's premature to draw any conclusions.
"Ideally, to use a technique on data from Mars, one would want to show that the technique has been well-calibrated and well-established on Earth. The need to do so is clear; on Mars we have no way to test the method, while on Earth we can," planetary scientist and astrobiologist Christopher McKay, with NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., told Discovery News.
NEWS: Life Possible On 'Large Regions' of Mars
While not iron-clad, the findings are an additional plank of evidence challenging the popular contention that Viking did not find life, Miller said.
Miller also is reanalyzing the data to see if there are variations when sunlight was blocked by a weeks-long dust storm on Mars, with the idea being that biological systems would have acted differently to the environmental change than geologic ones. Results of the research are expected to be presented in August.
The research is published online in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
Benjamin Fulford's explanation about March 31st deadline

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Benjamin Fulford's explanation about March 31st deadline
RE: Cut off dates
Hi Ben, Wasn't there a cut off date of last month for action to take place? Kind regards c.
The cut off date was put out by the gnostic illuminati faction allied with the White Dragon Society. Shortly before the cut-off the Feds sent somebody to Japan with an offer of $10 trillion. However, it turns out the offer was $590 trillion for us and $10 trillion for the rest of the world with them still in charge. There are still two factions battling it out and it is looking increasingly likely things will start getting physical soon. We are all running out of patience. The Asian groups know that time is on their side and they just have to wait for things to implode in the West. People in the West need to remove the criminal cabal on their own or else face increasing disorder and chaos.
P.S. by Cobra:
The Plan has no room for any kind of negotiations with the Cabal. They have to be removed from society, as peacefully and non-violently as possible, and as soon as possible.
India is in the center of a big secret inside debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is enthusiastic to make clear to its people and to the world concerning the current contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible innumerable international protocols that forbid doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic.
It is well received between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in touch with the beings from other stars for pretty long time. Freshly India has seen huge news on UFO links and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for instance the locals undoubtedly point out the day by day occurrence of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces defensing them.
India to announce UFO disclosure soon

Wednesday April 11, 2012
India to announce UFO disclosure soon
Rajnish, Ashtar Command Crew, April 2, 2012
India is in the center of a big secret inside debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is enthusiastic to make clear to its people and to the world concerning the current contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible innumerable international protocols that forbid doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic.
It is well received between the UFO and extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers are in touch with the beings from other stars for pretty long time. Freshly India has seen huge news on UFO links and secret UFO bases in Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak, for instance the locals undoubtedly point out the day by day occurrence of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the ground and Indian security forces defensing them.
Timing of the Event - Drake's opinion

Monday, April 9, 2012
Timing of the Event - Drake's opinion
In the next 30 to 45 days. And it can not be stopped.
Listen to the interview from around 99 to 102 minute mark:
Compression Breakthrough

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Compression Breakthrough
What is Cobra?
COBRA is a codename for COmpression BReAkthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet.
The surface is thus subjected to the pressure of Light and dark forces of the Cabal have nowhere to hide. They can not escape via wormholes, stargates or teleportation chambers into space. They can not use space vehicles of any official or secret space program. They can not dig holes and bunkers deep underground and hide there. They can not even hide on lower astral plane anymore.

Resistance movement

Friday, April 6, 2012
Resistance movement
In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system. They entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped down there. So the Organization was born, having its main command center under the subway system of New York. Through the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati and many of them went underground and joined the Organization.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Today, April 4th, 2012, in the exact moment when Mercury turned direct, a divine flash emanated directly from the Source and descended into the physical matter of planet Earth. This has healed a significant part of quantum anomaly that had this planet in its grip since early Atlantean times. Quantum fluctuation field is now less chaotic and more harmonious.
Before this event, Calabi-Yau manifolds looked like this:

Galactic Codex
Japan's government formally agrees to set up 1000 trillion yen fund but worries about geopoltical ramifications

Monday, April 2, 2012
Japan's government formally agrees to set up 1000 trillion yen fund but worries about geopoltical ramifications
by Benjamin Fulford, 4-3-12
This week’s newsletter was delayed for a day because of sensitive ongoing negotiations involving the Japanese, Chinese, Russian and US governments among others. The negotiations are still going on as of this writing and there is much we still cannot report. However, we can confirm that the Japanese government has agreed in principle to set up a 1000 trillion yen (12 trillion dollar) fund to be used to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and roll out previously forbidden technology in a responsible manner. The problem now is how to sort out the massive geopolitical repercussions this fund will create.
In what may be a related development, there appears to have been a regime change in China because Xi Xinping, the man widely assumed to be the next president of China has not appeared on the official Chinese Xinhua news site since March 31st, while his erstwhile rival, Li Keqiang, is being given massive coverage. This is only one of many signs of massive changes in planetary governance.