Dragon Activation

Sunday, August 4, 2024
Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.
In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.
During this timeframe, Dragon leylines around the whole planet were activated, with the main focus in Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Dragon leyline:

Dragon activation workshops were held in Asia during that time, and you can read the notes here:
These workshops were accompanied by many signs in the sky.
Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 11th:

Solar flame cloud in Malaysia on July 18th, just after the workshop:

Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 20th:

And a violet storm in Lhasa just after the activation of Tibetan Dragon leyline on July 21st:

After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.
I will now mention some of those factions.
Blue Dragon Agartha (青龙洞天) network was created during Tang dynasty. First, emperor Xuanzong connected grotto heavens with Taoist temples:

This has created a network of highly efficient entrances into the underworld. At that time, many Taoist masters have reached advance spiritual stage. During An Lushan rebellion, almost all of them were forced to leave the surface as it became too dangerous:
They went underground through the freshly created network of entrances, and then created an underground civilization of Light based on advanced Taoist principles. There they discovered an ancient Atlantean network with advanced technology. They now exist below central China and are cooperating with the Aldebarans, Antarians and Andromedans. Their main vortex point through which they influence the surface is Wuhan.
Red Dragon Agartha (红龙洞天) network was created after China (especially Beijing) fell under Manchu occupation of Qing dynasty:
After the battle of Beijing, the capital was lost to the Ming, and many military leaders and Taoist priest went underground to form a subterranean Red Dragon network under Beijing:
This network still exists under Beijing. They have a strong military cooperation with Aldebarans and Andromedans. Nothing more can be said at this time.
Dragon Gate Agartha (龙门洞天) network was created during Song dynasty by master Changchun:
Its main location is Sichuan province with Chengdu as the main vortex.
There is another Agartha faction in Fujian province about which nothing can be said at this time.
In Tibet, the main Agartha stronghold is in the western end of the Kunlun mountains. This network has the main base under the nexus of main planetary Dragon leylines:

It is 26,000 years old, and has a strong connection to the Galactic Central Race. It also connects to the western underground Atlantean network and indirectly to the Resistance Movement.
It has an underground outpost which territorially corresponds with the extent of the Guge kingdom:
It has another outpost at another location under Tibet, which still needs to remain classified.
Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.
The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.
They are very well versed in the occult and can manipulate nonphysical planes around the Earth to a degree. They closely cooperate with the Lurker.
They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers.
They greatly influence the Black nobility families through the negative Order of the Green Dragons:
Some key top members of the Black nobility families have to go to the underground bases in Tibet to receive trauma based mind control training.
They influence China through the Green Gang:
They influence India through negative Buddhist sects.
They influence Japan through the Black Dragon society:
They were responsible for the creation of Unit 731:
They were responsible for the fall of the Romanov dynasty:
They were supporting Hitler:
Since July 21st, the Light Forces have started operations to remove this network, and it will be gone soon.
Geopolitically, during the July 11th to 22nd period some significant things have happened.
First, Pleiadians used ATVOR technology to move the head of Donald Trump just 0.3 seconds before he was hit by a bullet, effectively saving his life:
Second, the Crowdstrike outage has put a nail in the coffin of CBDCs:
Also, there is some soft Disclosure going on about extraterrestrial life:
About the Galactic superwaves:
And about abundance of diamonds in the Solar system and beyond:
There are some interesting compilations about the Lurker and its tentacles:
There is a Dragon meditation which you can join if you feel so guided:
And a very important meditation for peace in the Middle East every 4 hours, which will be very much needed in the next few days. Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join:
A volunteer for a certain specific mission is needed in northern Italy. If you live there and would like to cooperate, please contact cobraresistance@gmail.com
Victory of the Light!