
Spirituális hírek, fordítások

Music of the Spheres

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Music of the Spheres

Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are now entering the Solar System from the cosmic sea of Love which now fills interstellar space throughout the Galaxy, creating the so-called “music of the spheres” which extends from Kuiper belt all the way to Lunar orbit:


Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared also, although some of them still exist closer to the Earth.

During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:

One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:

Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:

Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.

The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.

If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:

Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.

Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.

If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:

Many Reptilians are gathering in their underground bases close to the planetary surface and the Draco are using them as a shield to prevent the headway of the Confederation feet towards the surface, and to further disturb the energy grid.


On a more positive note, Pleiadians have communicated that they have finally developed a protocol for emotional healing. If you wish to receive emotional healing from the Pleiadians, you need to repeat three times “Command 771” , and Pleiadian medical ships will assist you with their healing beams. It helps to lay down and allow 20-30 minutes for the healing process.

Pleiadians have also communicated that positive stardust nanotechnology to remove the coronavirus is not as effective as they have hoped because the Draco have strong nano countertechnology which blocks the positive stardust to a degree.

Nevertheless, the Pleiadians have managed to reduce the mortality of the virus in February and March to a great degree, and herd immunity will be reached globally soon:

Pleiadians have communicated that they are expecting the virus to die out on its own because it will fail to find new hosts who have not yet developed immunity, by the end of the year:

Many cures have been found for the covid disease, and some of them are very effective:

Scientists are finally beginning to discover the toroidal shape of the universe:

They are finally discovering previous cosmic cycles:

And are beginning to understand the 11th dimensional structure of the human brain as a reflection of the universe as it is described by 11th dimensional string theory models:

Soft disclosure of life on Mars is starting to appear in the mainstream media:

Disclosure race is a race China wants to win:

Until Disclosure happens, we can surrender to the cool Italian galactic music:

Or help planting some trees.

Victory of the Light!
