
Spirituális hírek, fordítások

Short Situation Update and Workshop in Taiwan

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Sunday, November 3, 2024

There is a lot happening behind the scenes that can not be reported yet, but I will be able to release much more intel in a few weeks when certain situations stabilize.

The Source (the Absolute) is continuing to sublimate the Lurker, and during the course of 2024 the Lurker lost more than 50% of its power.

In the subquantum field, the Absolute is creating a network of subquantum emerald green Light that is getting stronger day by day and will eventually transmute the critical mass of the Lurker and of the primary anomaly, enabling the Event.

The Light forces have communicated that they have received the final timeframe within which the Event will happen, and there will be no further delays from that. They will NOT communicate that timeframe for security reasons.

The time between now and the closing of the 11:11 doorway on November 22nd is the time for deep spiritual transmutation:

In September, the Aldebarans have contacted certain world leaders, and the world leaders have not been open to cooperation. This was the last negotiation attempt, and since then, positive Aldebaran, Andromedan and other agents in their humanoid physical bodies are infiltrating the surface society.

The purpose of the first phase of this infiltration is to bring deconfliction to war zones, and to reduce the amount of violence on the surface of the planet with advanced quantum technologies:


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Inner Alchemy

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

In this period of extreme outer chaos, it is very important that we strengthen our connection with our true (higher) self.

For that purpose I will post some key meditations that can help us to achieve that.

ATVOR meditation

The Ascended Masters have developed this spiritual technology and it creates an advanced pillar of Light:

It is generated by a mothership above the Earth. It descends into your body and goes through the Agarthan network into the center of the planet.

Say the following invocation three times:

I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.

I call upon the Presence of the I AM that I AM. I ask the Presence of the I AM that I AM to join and merge with me.

Now, close your eyes. Visualize a pillar of pure white Light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of Light.

As you breathe in, you breathe in the brilliant white Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out the brilliant white Light from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white Light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breathe in that Light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command mothership into your energy field. Each time you breathe into your heart, be with the Ashtar command.

Each time you breathe out, radiate the Light back into the mothership.

Keep breathing like this for a few moments.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes.

The video for the ATVOR mediation is here:


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Situation Update (04.10.24)

October 03, 2024


Since the last super full moon (with partial lunar eclipse) in September, the Dark Ones have started a series of negative rituals that will continue until the next full moon on 17 October (second-largest visible of the year). This is supposed to set certain physical escalation scenarios in motion during the coming weeks and months, affecting the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the US presidential election and the conflict in the Middle East.

The pager attack in Lebanon and the heavy strike on a military base inside Russia were the starting whistle. And the situation continues to escalate.

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Ending the Cycle

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Monday, September 23, 2024

The last remnant of the Tibetan negative network, the underground base in northern Tibet, has been cleared and thus that network is gone forever. Now only the main surface dark network is still remaining, and without spiritual support of the negative Agarthans, the surface dark network would fully collapse in a seven year physical cycle, even if the Light forces would now stoop clearing it.

That means we are reaching the end of the tunnel and the Light can finally being to enter the surface of the planet.

Pleiadians are much more active in the Solar system again, and they have communicated that they have almost completely healed their war trauma. As a result of this, they understand the situation of the surface Lightworkers much better, and they have developed unconditional compassion for them.

There is more indirect evidence coming into the mainstream media about planet X. Scientists have discovered the second Kuiper belt, starting at 70 AU from the Sun:

That is exactly the orbital position of planet X:

The Lurker disentanglement process is proceeding with full force, and there will be a very important astrological configuration on September 27th that will trigger the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996:

It will be an exact conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint:


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Matrix and Luminous Plasma

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Disentanglement process of removing the Lurker from humanity is proceeding with full force.

In a surprise attack on September 7th, the Light forces have removed the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network completely, with only the core of the main underground base in Northern Tibet still remaining. That base will be removed in a month or less.

Immediately after that attack, the Jesuits freaked out completely because they realized they do not have the negative spiritual support they had until now for many centuries. They have since then set a chain of negative events worldwide, that will lead to their downfall against all of their expectations.

The Jesuits want to keep humanity in materialistic physical eternal time loop without any access to higher dimensions because that ensures the maximum entropy of the Matrix. Because of Lurker disentanglement process, their materialistic project will fail:

Jesuit Matrix

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Occult War for China

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Monday, August 19, 2024

There was an occult war between the Light and dark forces for the energy grid in California in 2018 and 2019, a war of both Light and dark occult rituals, a war or espionage and counterespionage.

Main forces on the Light side were the Resistance Movement, certain members of the Order of the Star and certain Dragon groups from Chinatown in San Francisco.

On the dark side, the main actors were Michael Aquino and Kenneth Anger:

Also involved in that war were some key members of the Grand Lodge of California:

Unfortunately, in mid 2019 the Light forces lost the war and were forced to retreat, and since that time the energy grid in California is mostly deteriorating:

All is not lost, because two powerful vortexes are still holding the Light of California.

Lake Shrine in Los Angeles:

And of course Mount Shasta:

Also, two key actors from the dark side in California have been already “remanifested from their physical bodies”, directly into the Galactic Central Sun:


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Dragon Activation

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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.

During this timeframe, Dragon leylines around the whole planet were activated, with the main focus in Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Dragon leyline:


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