Spirituális hírek, fordítások
Unprecedented Breaking Update – Timelines: Earth Liberation Battles and the Solar Micro-Nova
Sunday, October 23, 2022

The SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) received a pretty major briefing from Emmi (Eyosian/Zulu ET Race) several months ago about the upcoming timeline of the liberation of our Solar System. This briefing was delivered on the behalf of the New Guardians who until now had been the most mysterious of the Guardians.
The information was full of details that we were told to keep confidential until the right time. I was shocked to receive a message this morning that I was authorized to release a brief summary of the timeline briefing with more to come in the following months and years as clearance is granted. Never before had we been given the details of future events in our briefings let alone been authorized to share them with the masses.
Uomo Ragno
2022 Cobra Interview by WLMM & IGAG & PFC Japan Official (Part 1)
A Short Update And A New Cobra Interview

Thursday, September 29, 2022
Around 15,000 people have participated in our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO. Although this is far less than the critical mass, the meditation has helped to ease tensions to a degree:
Our meditation to diminish the effects of the hurricane Ian is still very much needed:

Time Sensitive - A Short message To The Surface Population

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
To dissipate the effects of hurricane Ian on Florida, the Light Forces are asking anybody who feels so guided to join our meditation:

Meditation for Peace Between Russia and NATO

Thursday, September 22, 2022
Situation between Russia and NATO is escalating.
Russia has declared partial mobilization:
Referendum in eastern parts of Ukraine for those regions to join Russia will be held between September 23rd to 27th:
This sets a stage for a possibility for military escalation in Ukraine and also in regions around that country.
Chimera Situation Update

Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.
The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and upon its completion, a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.
SSP Update: The ORION GROUP and their Allies Attack the Lunar Operations Command
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Wow, I just received another incredible update. I was going to record the video for the Zulu Update in the next day or so but am pivoting to drop some of this new info first. I wanted to provide a written summary prior to shooting a video on this topic.
As everyone who has followed my information knows – The LOC is actually 3 different bases that are designated LOC-Alpha, LOC-Bravo (aka Beta), and LOC-Charley. Alpha Base is where all of the meetings take place, where the spaceport is, and where all space traffic is tracked and managed. Bravo and Charley Bases are below the Lunar surface and have their own purposes. These parts of the LOC are even more highly classified than LOC-Alpha due to the nature of their operations.
The Cosmic History of the ZULU Alien Civilization – The Eyosians & the Local Stellar Neighborhood
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

This is from a recent meeting with Emmi, from a planet and civilization our military industrial complex dubbed the “Zulu,” who have been around our local stellar neighborhood for over 2 billion years. They are identified as having African features, are typically over 7 – 8 feet tall and are a shamanic civilization that is managed mostly by their female elders and have a lifespan of thousands of years due to the frequency of their star and the unique conditions of their planet.