
Spirituális hírek, fordítások

Timelines (25.12.2020)

Friday, December 25, 2020

Timelines (25.12.2020)


Earth has entered the Age of Aquarius and events are accelerating.

The Archons produced a huge amount of new entities over the last weeks which were specifically designed to attach themselves to the executive power so that the physical part of the Cabal can enforce its current bullying of the population in terms of COVID with greater vigor. This is the reason why parts (not all) of the police are currently acting so harshly when it comes to complying with restrictions and lockdowns.

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Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra “Age of Aquarius Final Activation”

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12/08/2020 04:28:00 pm

Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra “Age of Aquarius Final Activation”

Sisterhood of the Rose organized an interview with Cobra about the importance of the upcoming Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st at 6:22 PM UTC.

You can listen to this interview on YouTube here:

Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel:


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Interview with Cobra for the Age of Aquarius Final Activation

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12/08/2020 04:28:00 pm

Interview with Cobra for the Age of Aquarius Final Activation

We Love Mass Meditation, International Golden Age Group and Prepare for Change Japan Official had organized an interview with Cobra in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st at 6:22 PM UTC. In this interview, Cobra gave his view on a number of topics such as the current planetary situation and the importance of this upcoming meditation.

Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel:


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Timeline Situation Update And A New Cobra Interview

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Timeline Situation Update And A New Cobra Interview

Timeline correction meditation on November 11th was quite successful with about 80,000 people meditating, and we have managed to stabilize the Ascension timeline to a certain degree.

Exactly at the moment of our meditation on November 11th at 11:11 am in Paris, the following movie was released, reaching an audience over 2 million strong:

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Ibolyaláng védelmi meditáció Az ESEMÉNY idejére

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  1. november 12., csütörtök

Ibolyaláng védelmi meditáció Az ESEMÉNY idejére

Ibolyalang meditacio

Kedves Fénycsalád!

Cobra a 2019. november 30.-án és december 1.-én megtartott Tajpeji Felemelkedés Konferencián felhívta a figyelmet arra, hogy: "Az Eseménytámogató- és a Rózsa Rendje csoportoktól azt kéri, hogy az Ibolyaláng meditációt végezzék és ezzel tisztítsák a bolygó felszínét amikor megtörténik az Esemény, vizualizálják az ibolyalángot, ahogy fentről leereszkedik, az óramutató járásával ellentétes irányú forgással, le egészen a Föld középpontjáig, megtisztítva ezzel minden káoszt, megtisztítva ezzel az egész bolygót."

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