Planetary Situation Update and Kyoto Ascension Conference Report

Monday, July 24, 2023
The main focus of the Light forces is now clearing of the subquantum anomaly.
Subquantum anomaly is not as innocent as it was previously believed, and the Lurker entity poses quite a challenge. More intel about the Lurker is now available. In the previous cosmic cycle, some entities wanted to survive the big crunch as the universe was collapsing into a singularity, and the only possible way to survive this (except Ascension) was to forcefully project consciousness into the subquantum anomaly.
Those entities from the previous cosmic cycle used a very advanced technology with extreme energies to push their consciousness into the subquantum unspace. Through this process they were extremely traumatized, they lost their individuality and merged into a rabid, amorphous, revengeful subquantum blob named the Lurker, as hinted at in these sci-fi novels:
The Lurker was hidden for the majority of this cosmic cycle in the subquantum unspace, and only recently, in the last few million years, nudged the dark forces into greater and greater anomaly and distortion. The Lurker fully emerged during the Archon invasion in 1996 to try to prevent the cosmic Ascension process and the final removal of evil.
Since 1996, it plagues the spacetime quantum fluctuations indirectly from subquantum unspace, which the Light forces continuously clear with Mjolnir technology. Lurker is the underbelly of the Universe which drains through quarantine Earth tumor / cyst. Physical biochips of the surface population are subquantum/quantum portals through which the Lurker emerges into the quantum fluctuations.
Mjolnir technology continuously sublimates parts of the Lurker from subquantum unspace into the quantum fluctuations, which mostly cancel each other out, and then dissolve into nothingness. Those fluctuations that do not cancel themselves out continue to produce small amounts of anomalous proton plasma.
Subquantum anomaly near Earth is so dense than can deascend Ascended beings who would project part of their consciousness on the mental, astral, etheric or physical plane to create a mayavirupa:
Subquantum anomaly also seeps through the walls of Light forces motherships due to Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
For those reasons the Light forces have a great difficulty directly intervening on the surface of the planet until enough subquantum anomaly is removed. Inability to physically intervene maintains the Lurker and this creates a negative feedback loop which maintains the quarantine. This negative feedback loop is being dissolved with the use of Mjolnir technology.
Mandalas, buildings and objects based on sacred geometry clear the subquantum anomaly. Especially effective and positive is the octagon:
Contrary to the popular belief, this Universe was NOT created by the Source, it emerged as a result of dynamic tension between the Source and the subquantum anomaly. This Universe at the present state of evolution is still quite unevolved, as it is clearly seen in the ridiculously slow speed of light in the ordinary spacetime. The Source steers the evolution of this Universe into the Light through actions of the Light forces, who are still learning to understand the Creation, hence their many mistakes.
Ancient nations knew this, and in Rigveda there is the famous Hymn of Creation:
which clearly states that the Light forces and the Source may not understand the Creation. Because of its importance I will quote the verse in its original in Sanskrit:
यो अस्याध्यक्षः परमे व्योमन्त्सो अङ्ग वेद यदि वा न वेद ॥७॥
You can translate it here:
During the Archon invasion in the late 4th century, the dark forces tried to erase all traces of that knowledge in order to prevent the clearing of cosmic darkness. This is the reason they have burnt the Alexandria library and destroyed Gnostic and Manichean texts. In India, this was the time of the Gupta dynasty which was out of the reach of the Archon invasion and this is the reason many important ancient Indian texts survived:
Since the Portal of Light activation, the Light forces are reactivating ancient vortexes in India to assist in the process of returning the true spiritual energy to the surface population.
Their main focus are ancient temples of Chola, Chera and Pandya dynasties in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Many of these temples have a powerful Goddess vortex:
In many of those temples, Goddess mysteries were transmitted to the people by devadasis:
Some of them are connected with underground tunnels to the Agartha network and some of them have treasuries of gold, worth hundreds of billions of dollars. This gold is now being energetically activated by Saint Germain for the future benefit of humanity:

Southern India was once a part of an old Atlantean colony:
Where many Pleiadian women were anchoring Goddess mysteries:
In southern India, people carried on the tradition of ancient knowledge after the deluge of Atlantis for many thousand years:
The other focus of the Light forces are the Mughal architecture sites in northern India. The court of Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan was under the direct influence of the Galactic Central race and a focal point of Sufi Goddess mysteries:
Taj Mahal is currently the most powerful anchor of the energies of the Galactic Central Sun and the M 87 galaxy on the planet:

Another focus of the Light forces is the city of Suzhou in China, where Tanyangzi ascended and achieved immortality in 1580 and created an Ascension vortex for that city:
It is here interesting to note that the Jesuits entered China through Guanghzou and Suzhou only a few months later in 1580 to suppress that vortex:
All these activations of vortexes are giving a strong energetic push towards Disclosure:
Goddess Temples on the surface of the planet are being activated:
And you can still add your temple here:
We will end the situation update with this quite interesting channeling:
Kyoto conference was a huge success. Our strong and harmonious group has created conditions through which the healing of dragon vortexes can finally begin, starting with the Kyoto dragon vortex. Our group has also made an important connection with the Ashtar Command through which the development of Mjolnir and ATVOR technologies will be greatly accelerated.
You can read notes from the Kyoto conference in English here:
In French here:
And in Spanish here:
Victory of the Light!