
Spirituális hírek, fordítások

Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Our activation was a massive success, almost 1 million people were informed about the activation and about 160,000 people actually participated.

The energy pulse at the moment of the activation was very strong yet gentle, sending the purest energies of cosmic Love from the M87 galaxy to the surface of this planet. The pulse has corrected the planetary timeline, decreasing the probability for conventional world war from 33% to 27% and the probability for hard financial crash from 37% to 32%:

M87 galaxy was brought into the awareness of the surface population just a few days before the activation:

The energy pulse has brought a lot of beautiful energies into the planetary quarantine, and these energies have manifested some beautiful vistas in the days after the activation:



In the days after the activation, COVID pandemic was finally deplatformed:

In the weeks before the activation and the weeks after it, the Light forces have managed to clear many exotic weapons of the dark forces, and the positive timeline is now much more stable than ever before.

First, by utilizing Mjolinr technology, the Light forces have evaporated all physical and non-physical black holes around the surface of the planet, including all black holes in the auric fields and all black holes inside implants of the surface population. This has collapsed all Tunnels of Set and the dark grid around the planet is no longer an inverted grid, but only a distorted grid. Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist:

Second, the Light forces have destroyed all remaining toplet bombs. This is a huge victory, since topet bombs represented major danger to the planet and a huge barrier against the planetary liberation.

In the past, I was quite optimistic and naive by believing that as soon as the toplet bombs are removed, the Event will happen. The reality is much more complex. The surface population is much more programmed than previously believed, and much more of the etheric matrix and subquantum anomaly must be removed to safely guide the surface population through the Event process without key persons freaking out, because basic food and energy distribution chains must remain largely intact at the moment of the Event.

The good news is that removing all remaining obstacles will be much easier, relatively faster and much less risky than removing the toplet bombs.

The Light forces have also manged to completely clear the higher mental plane from all dark entitites, and they have broken the control the dark forces had over the lower mental and the astral plane. Almost all Invisibles have been removed. The few remaining dark entities on the astral plane are disorganized, in flight, and are no longer part of the dark network. All Lords of Karma (Lords of Trauma) that have not been captured and taken to the Galactic central Sun have escaped from higher planes to the etheric and physical planes, where they still hold control.

Causal bodies of humanity are recovering from the shock of 1996 and are healing nicely.

The implants on the mental and astral planes have mainly decomposed, only the etheric implants and physical biochips remaining.

The main problem remains the etheric matrix / etheric archon grid, controlled by the Chimera Lords of Karma, from where they still control the reincarnation cycle:

And the physical black nobility grid, controlled by Chimera from the DARPA pit:

With their electromagnetic, ultrasound and infrasound fence:

And their mind control:

Subquantum anomaly on the physical and etheric planes around the surface of the planet is also still quite much of a problem, although this is being addressed.

The Portal of Light has removed most of the dark scenarios, with only two (global conventional war and hard financial crash with CBDCs implementation) still remaining.

For this reason, the Cabal is pushing for CBDCs hard:

But the surface population has great ideas how to resist:

When the cracks of Light will begin to appear in the etheric matrix, the age of average will begin to be a thing of the past:

The elimination of reason will stop:

The amnesia will be reversed:

And we will start escaping the madhouse:

As the trauma-based mind programming starts to fall apart:

Some people might feel that our activation did not reach their high expectations, but the following article can put things into perspective:

Our Ascension conference in Taiwan was very successful, as it was the energetic trigger that again activated the Dragon families.

It might not be a coincidence that during the conference activities, a meeting between Macron and Xi was taking place in Guangzhou:

This highly symbolic meeting was orchestrated from behind the scenes by the Red and the Blue, and it has effectively decreased the probability for a global conventional war from 38% to 33%:

The Guqin melody, High mountains and flowing water, sealed the friendship pact between Macron and Xi, and this has effectively started the depolarization and pacification process between the West and the East:

But the story has another, more sinister layer.

The guqin on which the melody was played, was crafted in the year 756, during the height of the Tang dynasty:

It is not a coincidence that this was the exact year of the Donation of Pepin:

In which the secular ruler (now Macron, a Rothschild puppet) ceded territories to the Pope (now Xi, a Jesuit minion).

Another, more positive aspect to the story is that Guangzhou is the most powerful Goddess vortex in China.

During the time of the conference, the Blue Dragons have begun the process of reactivating the Agartha portals around the Himalayas:

and grotto heavens in Taiwan and mainland China:


The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:

The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:

Victory of the Light!
