Cobra interjú a Tachyon kamrákról

Január 10., kedd
Egy új Cobra-interjút tett közzé francia csapatunk a tachionkamrákról.
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Rhona: Csodálatos. Köszönöm, hogy elvállaltad ezt az interjút a tachyon kamrákkal kapcsolatosan, amely több célt is szolgál majd. Az egyik, hogy segítsen megérteni a tachyon energiával és a tachyon kamrákkal kapcsolatos múltunkat és kapcsolatunkat, valamint, hogy növelje a kamra őrzői és a kezelésre érkező emberek tudását a tachyon kamrával történő energiagyógyításra vonatkozóan. Két részből állna tehát, a története és ennek háttere, valamint az, hogy hogyan működik a gyógyító alkalmak során. Jó lesz így?
Cobra: Igen. Rendben van.
Rhona: Remek. Először is, kezdésképpen el tudnád magyarázni, hogy mi is a tachyon energia? Honnan származik? És mi a szerepe?
Cobra: Oké. A tachyon energia közvetlenül a Forrásból származik. A tachyonok voltak az első részecskék, amelyek akkor jöttek létre, amikor ez az Univerzum létrejött. Tehát pontosan ez az oka annak, hogy ők a mi közvetlen kapcsolataink a Forrással. A tachyonok olyan részecskék, amelyek gyorsabban haladnak a fénynél, és így összekötnek minket a magasabb dimenziókkal.
Rhona: Úgy gondoljuk, hogy a tachyon kamrák megtalálhatók az Univerzum különböző galaktikus civilizációiban. Mi a célja ezeknek a tachyon kamráknak?
Cobra: Úgy érted a galaktikus tachyon kamráknak?
Rhona: Igen, igen.
Cobra: Oké. A kamrák, amelyekkel néhány nagyon fejlett faj rendelkezik, sokkal fejlettebb kamrák, mint amilyenek nekünk vannak itt ezen a bolygón. És azok a kamrák, már szinte csodába illő gyógyításokra képesek. Képesek az anyagot elmozdítani. Képesek az anyagot a tökéletes archetípusokhoz igazítani. Tehát léteznek nagyon fejlett technológiák, amelyeket az Esemény után valamikor, ezen a bolygón is be fognak vezetni.
Rhona: Léteztek már Tachyon kamrák a Földön, mielőtt 26 000 évvel ezelőtt karantént állítottak volna fel?
Cobra: Igen, természetesen. Atlantisz idején, a Föld bolygón voltak tachyon kamrák.
Rhona: Az egész világon felfedeztek piramisokat, nem csak Egyiptomban. Van kapcsolat a piramisok és a tachyon kamrák között?
Cobra: Természetesen van egy bizonyos kapcsolat, hiszen a piramis szerkezet egy szakrális geometriai struktúra, amelynek nagyon érdekes képességei vannak. És ennek a technológiának az egyik tulajdonsága, hogy képes segíteni a tachyon energia hasznosításában.
Rhona: Még mindig a piramisok témájánál maradva, mi a különbség egy beavatási kamra és egy tachyon kamra között?
Cobra: Beavatási kamra - A beavatási kamra célja, hogy kvantumugrást generáljon a tudatosságban. És erre néhány fejlett tachyon kamra képes. De a Föld bolygón ezek a kamrák nem állnak rendelkezésre. Ennek biztonsági okai is vannak, mert az emberi lények nem képesek... nem állnak most még készen arra, hogy egy ilyen fejlett technológiát működtessenek. Nem elég tiszták spirituálisan egy ilyen dologhoz.
Rhona: Oké, rendben. A mátrix fátyla elnyeli a tachyon energia nagy részét. E fátyol nélkül mindannyian tachyonokban fürödnénk. Milyen változások várnak mindannyiunkra, miután a fátyol lehullik?
Cobra: Amikor a fátyol lehull, a tachyon energia elkezdi átitatni az emberi testeket, és elkezdi helyreállítani az egészséget, valamint az érzelmi és mentális harmóniát a felszíni lakosságban. Tehát erre számíthatunk az Esemény után.
Rhona: Oké. És mi lesz a Tachyon Kamrák szerepe pontosan az Esemény pillanatában?
Cobra: Azok a Tachyon Kamrák, melyeket a bolygó felszínére telepítettünk, nagyon erős energiákat fognak közvetíteni, és gyakorlatilag az egész bolygó számára rengeteg tachyon energiát fognak leföldelni. És ez segíteni fog a rács stabilizálásában. Tehát az Esemény pillanatában nem lesznek masszív földrengések vagy drasztikus kataklizmák.
Rhona: Nagyszerű! Mivel most még mindig ugyanabban a karanténhelyzetben vagyunk (megj: Rhona a Föld bolygót körülvevő karanténra utal), a tachyon kamrák még nem a maximális teljesítményükön működnek. Tudnál nekünk többet mondani a tachyon kamrák fejlesztéséről vagy az Eseményt követő változásokról? Teljes potenciáljukkal fognak működni?
Cobra: Először energetikailag fogják majd őket frissíteni, aztán egy bizonyos pont után, a plejádi csapatok instrukciókat fognak adni a tachyon kamra tulajdonosoknak arról, hogy hogyan kell a kamrákat frissíteni, és az Eseményt követően egy adott időponttól már technológiai frissítésekben is részesülnek majd.
Rhona: Oké. Köszönöm. Ez volt az első része a beszélgetésünknek, most térjünk át a következő részre, ami egy kicsit hosszabb, témája pedig: Hogyan működnek a tachyon kamra kezelések. Nos, minden általad aktivált tachyon kamra kvantumszerűen kapcsolódik egy féreglyukhoz, amelyet egy tachyonizált kristály hoz létre, amely a fátyol szintjén kering a Genesis II kutató műholdon, annak érdekében, hogy egy átjárót hozzon létre a tachyon energia számára. Egy féreglyukra két végpont jellemző. Az egyik, a Tachyon kamra. És mi mindannyian kíváncsiak lennénk arra, hogy hol van a másik végpont?
Okay. Thank you. Thank you for that first part. So let’s move on to the next part, which is a little bit longer – How Sessions Work. Each Tachyon chamber that’s activated by you is quantumly linked to a wormhole, that’s created with a Tachyonized crystal orbiting in a research satellite of Genesis II at the level of the veil in order to create a passage for Tachyon energy, a wormhole is characterized by two extremities. One of which is the Tachyon chamber. And we all wonder where the other extremity is please.
Cobra: Okay. One point is on the Tachyon chamber. And the second point is the Genesis II space station, which is beyond the veil. So this wormhole connects the source of Tachyons at Genesis II crystal and the Tachyon chamber.
Rhona: Okay. Can you tell us a little bit more about how this works? The connection.
Cobra: It works through quantum entanglement. So tachyons, which are on Genesis II Satellite are quantumly entangled with Tachyons, which are in the Tachyon chamber. And this creates a certain link to which Tachyons can flow freely regardless of the veil.
Rhona: Okay. We’d like to know a little more too, about the Galactic teams that manage the Tachyon chambers. What’s the function of the Pleiadians during the Tachyon chamber sessions?
Cobra: Okay. Each Tachyon chamber has a Pleiadian team dedicated to that chamber and while there is a healing session taking place in the chamber, those Pleiadians assist with healing energies and balancing energies through their own quantum technologies. They project certain energies through the wormhole into the Tachyon chamber and assist in the healing process taking place in the chamber.
Rhona: Okay. Can there be other beings who accompany a Tachyon chamber session?
Cobra: Yes. There are sometimes other races such as Sirians or positive Andromedans participating. And there are many times also Angelic beings who assist in the healing process.
Rhona: Okay. Are there beings who participate in the care of Tachyon chamber outside the matrix?
Cobra: They are outside the matrix and they project energies into the matrix.
Rhona: Okay. Some people see and feel beings working on them during the sessions and can have painful, quite a painful sensory experience like your body being moved physically. Can you explain how they do this?
Cobra: Okay. The healing teams send strong energies through the body and through the energy field. And sometimes this creates a detoxification process, which can be slightly painful because toxins are leaving the body. And after that a strong healing can occur. So you can have a quite intense experience sometimes while you are laying in the chamber. Not always, but sometimes that can be quite intense.
Rhona: Yeah. Yeah. When a Tachyon chamber is activated, a vortex is created. And an Angelic being anchors itself to the location of the Tachyon chamber. What’s the role of this Angelic being?
Cobra: That angelic being is the actual guardian and caretaker of the energies of the chamber vortex. And it manages the energies flowing through the Tachyon chamber and takes care that everything is happening as harmoniously and as positively as possible.
Rhona: Okay. We can say Tachyon chambers have two main functions. In fact, the energy channel that’s created never stops. So we have the energetic treatment for the person and the action that it has on the planet too. Can you tell us more about the action on the planet, the Light Grid?
Cobra: Okay. Whenever there is an active healing session, the energies are flowing primarily for the person being healed, and whenever there are no healing sessions, the chamber is working as an energy conduit for the energies that go directly into the planetary energy grid and help stabilizing and harmonizing the energy grid, whatever is needed at that particular moment.
Rhona: Okay. Thank you. And in addition to that, the chamber has an energy radius of about 30 to 40 kilometers around it. What happens within this field to the neighbors?
Cobra: That is the size of the energy vortex around the chamber. And Inside of that energy vortex, there is a strong energy, which harmonizes and purifies everything.
Rhona: Okay, good for the neighbors. Let’s get to the energy treatment for people. The treatment starts once the person lies down under the pyramid, and there are many factors that come into play during a session in the Tachyon chamber, like our emotional state at the time or free will or consciousness, if you can let go and also astral, conjunctions, et cetera, et cetera, generally speaking, Tachyon do not heal. Their target is to provide the energy necessary for the body to heal itself. Tachyon energy is simply the natural catalyst for this self-healing process. Or one could say that it’s not the Tachyon energy that comes to work on us, but it’s our own body’s energy that will synergize with the information of our original essence, which is found in Tachyon energy. Our energetic bodies are dynamized by this tachyonic energy and our vibratory rate increases significantly in order to allow the transmutation of low frequencies with the information of our frequency of origin, the work continues in the three or four days following a session where our vibratory rate goes down in this period, little by little. What do you think of this simplified description?
Cobra: You need to use your own guidance whether this is true or not. You need to go inside and feel your connection with the Source and see if this is true.
Rhona: Okay. Can you explain what the origin essence is?
Cobra: I cannot explain because this is the term I don’t use, so I don’t know what the author meants with that.
Rhona: Ah so what term do you use?
Cobra: For what?
Rhona: For getting back to your origins, who you are?
Cobra: Your higher self, your soul, I mean…
Rhona: Your higher self. Okay.
Cobra: This has been explained so many times. I don’t think it’s necessary to answer this question.
Rhona: Okay. Some people feel that the work starts three or four days before the session, even three or… I’ve even had people say longer than that. Can you explain why they have the feeling that the work starts before the session?
Cobra: Okay. As soon as the person makes an intention to go to the chamber for a healing session, the Light teams already start the work to prepare the person for the healing session and the chamber to get the right combination of energies for the healing session.
Rhona: Okay. Okay. So talking about different energetic bodies according to your diagram, with the seven planes of creation, each divided into seven sub planes, that’s 49 sub planes from the densest Physical plane to the highest Divine plane. To divide this into two parts, there’s a first lower part from the densest Physical plane to the lower Mental plane where negativity can attach itself like planes under the influence and regulation of the matrix controllers and a second higher part from the higher Mental plane to the Divine plane, where we’re on the brightest planes, where no negativity can attach itself. Do you agree with this distinction between lower planes that can be manipulated by dark forces and higher planes that cannot?
Cobra: Yes. I agree.
Rhona: Wonderful. Can you explain the energy work of the Tachyon chamber for the lower planes?
Cobra: Okay. What Tachyons do – they flow through the lower planes through the physical body, through the etheric body, through the astral body, through the mental body, and they harmonize and align everything. They decrease the amount of primary anomaly, and they increase the amount of Light in those in those bodies.
Rhona: And for the superior planes?
Cobra: They actually also flow through those higher bodies, through the soul body and through higher bodies and through higher dimensions of the soul essence. And they increase the Light there also, and actually make the connection between the soul and the personality stronger.
Rhona: Okay. Can you explain how Tachyon energy works with the Ego triangle, Atma, Buddhi, Manas?
Cobra: Okay. Actually what Tachyons do – they activate permanent atoms on those higher planes and through activating permanent atoms, they increase something that I would describe as an Ascension rate. They manifest more of the energy of the Divine will for Ascension. So they actually accelerate the Ascension process.
Rhona: Okay. So between our past lives, and now as we live in the matrix, how do negative memories impact our energetic bodies?
Cobra: Okay. Each memory, each event that has not been cleared completely creates a signature imprint into the energy bodies. And some of those imprints are not cleared between the incarnations and they get passed into the next incarnation. So while we live here in this incarnation, now some of those imprints are still here. And one part of the healing process in the chamber is to clear those imprints.
Rhona: Okay. Yeah. That’s… so, and in a collective way, all the people who do Tachyon chamber sessions emanate an energy into their surroundings, the tachyon energy, and into collective consciousness, can you explain this process to us?
Cobra: It is very simple. People who have been in the chamber have received a certain amount of tachyon energy and they begin to radiate a certain amount of that tachyon energy to their surroundings.
Rhona: Okay. Yes. What energy work happens between two people who do a session together? For example, a parent and a child, or a couple or friends.
Cobra: Okay. Their energy field gets harmonized, and we can expect their relationship to become more harmonized as well.
Rhona: Okay. So it’s positive.
Cobra: Yes.
Rhona: For a person who’s just died, how can Tachyon chambers help their soul get to other planes? We only put photographs of people in and unfortunately, as long as there’s still quarantine putting the picture of the deceased in the chamber doesn’t bring them out of the matrix. Do you agree with this?
Cobra: Okay, actually [it] can help this transition of the deceased person into the Light. The person will not manage to completely escape the matrix, but it can escape from being captured by the dark forces on the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. And this can help the person getting into the area where it’s relatively calm and peaceful surroundings on the astral plane.
Rhona: OK. And can you tell us about the benefits of this for sessions for a pregnant woman and the baby?
Cobra: Yes. Actually this can help the mother to ease the process of pregnancy and it can also help the child in anchoring more harmoniously into the physical body.
Rhona: Okay. So it can help with labor
Cobra: Yes. With the whole process.
Rhona: Wonderful. Why is it useful to do sessions in the Tachyon chamber at an infant stage up until the age of 12?
Cobra: Okay. It can for each age there are certain challenges and certain development challenges happening and the Tachyon chamber helps reducing those challenges and harmonizing the process.
Rhona: OK. You recommend between three to six sessions. How does the work evolve during the course of the sessions?
Cobra: Okay. This is just a general estimate because it is not practical for people to expect to have more and more, more sessions, except in certain cases. But I would say if you do this regularly, you can have more lasting longer effects in the Tachyon chamber.
Rhona: And in the months that follow?
Cobra: The same.
Rhona: The same, okay. Tachyon chamber is not a magic wand or a roller coaster. Can you comment on the fact that working mindfully on a daily basis is important?
Cobra: Okay. Tachyon chamber is just a tool that can help you in your own process, but your own decision is still the key. So if you do not assist actively in the healing process, whatever the chamber will help you heal, you can disturb again with your actions and your decisions. So if you work together with the chamber, it can have quite drastic, quite magical results. If you work against the healing energy of the chamber, you will ruin those results.
Rhona: Okay. Some people don’t feel anything during the session. How can you reassure them the work is still being done?
Cobra: Okay. There is no condition that you need to feel anything for the work being done. Sometimes the work is done on a subconscious level. Sometimes the work is being done at cellular level. It does not always produce visible effects, but if you are using the chamber long enough, you will definitely notice a difference, notice a change.
Rhona: And what advice can you give to make the most of a session?
Cobra: First, do not have any expectations or preconceived ideas how the session should look like, just be openminded and relaxed as possible, and just surrender to the process.
Rhona: Yeah. And in the context of the quarantine that we are still experiencing, is it possible for our subtle bodies to cross the veil during a Tachyon chamber session?
Cobra: Actually, this is possible. You can have an out body projection into the motherships. Some people have experienced this because we create a certain, I would say quantum transmission between the chamber and the motherships, which are above and certain things can happen.
Rhona: Okay. We we’ve seen an explosion in the number of Tachyon chambers in France recently. Is there a link with France’s key role in the global liberation?
Cobra: Yes, of course. A lot of work is being done energetically with France and especially with Paris Goddess Vortex. And this of course has assisted in creating this very strong interest for Tachyon chambers in France, because France is one of a few key countries for the Planetary Liberation process.
Rhona: Okay, great. Can we have a look at the current situation with the COVID virus. Can Tachyon chamber treatments transmute the messenger RNA (mRNA) information of vaccines and eliminate the toxicity of the vaccine compounds?
Cobra: I would say the Tachyon chambers decrease the harmful side effects of anything that happens to the human body. It does not change the chemical composition of the body, but the Tachyon energy does harmonize the energy flow through the body. It harmonizes the chakra system. It harmonizes the immune system, which then deals with the whole situation the most effectively possible.
Rhona: Okay. So the vaccine blocks the person energetically. The vaccines influence the connections between a higher self and a human personality. How can a Tachyon chamber help this problem?
Cobra: Okay. there is nothing that can really cut your connection with your higher self, without connection with your higher self, you would die. So there is always a certain amount of connection and a Tachyon chamber simply expands that connection, harmonizes yourself with that connection.
Rhona: Okay. do you have time for a couple more questions?
Cobra: Okay.
Rhona: There’s a lot of information and believe me, I’m asked all the time about med beds and some people say that they still exist and they’re used by the positive military. Is this possible before the Event?
Cobra: Again, I will say med beds will not be available to the surface population before the Event.
Rhona: Yeah. Like before. Yeah. So what’s the difference between a med bed and a Tachyon chamber?
Cobra: They are of course two different technologies. Med beds are actually devices, which rearrange the atomic structure of the physical body. And they can with this heal organs, they can rearrange organs. They can grow missing limbs where Tachyon chambers are more multidimensional. They work on all levels of creations at once.
Rhona: Different planes. Yeah. So we’re coming to the end of our interview. Do you have any specific message for the surface population of the planet at this difficult time?
Cobra: Yes, definitely. It is very important at this point to hold the Light, to anchor the Light, in your own Light, in your own body, in your own energy field and around you. And also to use common sense, we are in the period of end time madness, do not focus too much on it. Use common sense.
Rhona: Yes.
Cobra: Common sense is very important.
Rhona: Yeah. Well, thank you very much Cobra for taking the time to answer all these questions because this information really is a big help. I would like to thank Gwen from the Pleiadian garden in Brittany, and for Eric, who’s helped recorded it all. And who knows, maybe I’ll see you at some point soon. I’m gonna stop recording now.
Cobra: Okay.

Victory of the Light!
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